We are happy to announce that we have new models in the pipe line.
- Mc Culla Volvo F10 with fridge trailer (historic)
- P.Morgan Scania 144 Unit only
- Stuart McKee Scania 144 Topline
All these 3 trucks are due before the 10th of May 2017.
- E.Thomson Scania R 560 tag with 4 deck Parkhouse Houghton Livestock Trailer
- This will be coming into stock on the 17th of May.
- The wait is over & the TRI Nations project is finally about to kick off.
List of Trucks:
Zeelwood DAF XF SSC 106 with fridge due middle of May
J Davies Scania TCab with tipper trailer due early June
Chris Waite Scania R 730 with Pezzaoilli Livestock Trailer due early June – TRI Nations
M.Keys Scania 143 with Parkhouse Houghton livestock trailer due mid June
S&N Caravans Scania R Topline unit only due mid June – TRI Nations
RW.Stewart Scania 143 6×2 with Parkhouse Houghton livestock trailer due July
Plus 2 more Scottish Models due before – Truck Fest Edinburgh.
The End