Well lads,
We will like to announce that we, Collectors Toys, are now commissioning 1:50 scale Tekno model trucks in England, Scotland and Wales in addition to our Irish Market.
In addition, we will be launching our new collection to collectors titled;
The U.K ‘Tri-Nations’ Collection.
As the name suggests we will be branding each model truck according to where it’s from.
For example:
*An English truck will have St. George’s flag tagged on the box.
*A Scottish model will have the Scottish Thistle tagged on the box.
*A Welsh model will have a Welsh dragon tagged on the box.
We have introduced this to give each truck it’s own identity plus it will add a new dimension to collectors to further their interest.
As well as that, we will sub-divide The U.K ‘Tri-Nations’ Collection into the following categories;
*Units/Show trucks
*Heavy Haulage
*(plus one more added section to the collection that will be introduced late in 2017)
Basically along the lines of what we have done with the Irish Collection.
This new venture for us will be a working collaboration with Ben Lord at Speedbird Promotions. Hopefully this strategic collaboration will help expand the Tekno brand in England, Scotland and Wales. We are both looking forward to working with each other and hopefully achieve our strategic objective.
This does still mean we will be working independently from one another with regards our collections.
Speedbird Promotions will independently run the following:
The General British Collection
The Tekno Collectors Club
The Tekno Historic Collection
Here at Collectors Toys we will be running;
The U.K ‘Tri-Nations’ Model Collection.
(This is just to make things clear)
Now if we have any interest in following our new collection. We will be more than happy to take names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses etc. To keep everyone up to speed with our gradual progress.
You can either;
E-mail is at
Ring/Text: (Mike) 00353872355379
(Fionn) 00353879393807
Or private message us on Facebook.
We would like to thank Tekno ‘groot in Klien’ for giving us this opportunity to expand our network and business. Hopefully we can do our new venture justice to collector and haulier in the near future. All I can say that there is exciting times ahead for Collectors Toys.
Well that’s all from us here at Collectors Toys.
Have a lovely weekend and take care.
Collectors Toys
Mike & Fionn
(A.k.a ‘Rodney and Del-boy)